Navy Female Prt Standards 30 34 (2025)

1. Navy Female 30-34 PRT Standards

  • For the minimum passing score sailors must complete are 13 Pushups, 1:07 Forearm plank, 16:15 1.5 mile run or 10:45 2km row.

  • Updated NAVY PRT standards Females 30-34 Navy PRT Pushup, plank, 1.5 mile run, swim and row standards for Females 17-19. Navy PRT Standards

Navy Female 30-34 PRT Standards


  • 1 jan 2023 · Elevation adjustment in the PRT scoring standards reflects research based on an acclimation period of 30 days. The following guidance is.

3. [PDF] Guide 5 - Physical Readiness Test (PRT) - MyNavyHR

  • 1 jan 2024 · Table 4-1: PRT Standards Altitudes Less Than 5000 Feet. 23. Performance. Points. Males: Age 30 ‐ 34 years. Push‐ ups. Forearm. Planks. 1.5 ‐ ...

4. [PDF] navy prt standards - female


5. Navy PRT Charts & DEP Physical Fitness Readiness

Navy PRT Charts & DEP Physical Fitness Readiness


  • AGE/GENDER PRT STANDARDS. At Sea Level (< 5, 000'). MALES: AGE 30 TO 34 YEARS. PERFORMANCE CATEGORY. %. 2 minute. PUSH-UPS. 2 minute. SIT-UPS. 1.5-MILE. RUN.

7. [PDF] Guide 5 Physical Readiness Test (PRT)

  • Females: Age 30 - 34 years. Forearm. Planks. Push- ups. 1.5 - mile run. 500 - yd swim. 450 - m swim. Probationary. Performance. Points. Males: Age 30 - 34 years.

8. [PDF] Navy-Physical-Fitness-Standards.pdf - USC Price

  • 2 mrt 2021 · Elevation adjustment in the PRT scoring standards reflects research based on an acclimation period of 30 days. The following guidance is.

9. Navy PRT Calculator

  • 7 jun 2024 · This US Navy PRT calculator allows you to compute your score for all the required physical readiness categories: forearm planks, push-ups, and the ...

  • Our Navy PRT calculator allows you to check your Physical Readiness Test score for the US navy.

Navy PRT Calculator

10. [PDF] OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 Enclosure (3) TABLE 1 PHYSICAL ...

11. [PDF] Guide 5 Physical Readiness Test (PRT)

  • The 1.5 mile run remains the Navy testing standard. However, COs may ... Males: Age 30 - 34 years. Curl-ups. Push- ups. 1.5 - mile run 500 - yd swim 450 ...

12. Navy PRT - Facebook

  • ... 30-34 Navy PRT standard Female 30-34…... standards/ · NAVY-PRT.COM. Updated NAVY PRT standards - US Navy PRT. In ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

13. [PDF] Guide 5 Physical Readiness Test (PRT)

  • 1 mei 2019 · Table 4-1: PRT Standards less than 5000 feet. Performance. Points. Males: Age 30 - 34 years. Curl-ups. Push- ups. 1.5 - mile run 500 - yd swim ...

14. Navy PRT Calculator - Calculate Your Physical Readiness Test Score

  • Age 17-19 Females ; 90, 47, 3:04, 11:30, 8:20 ; 85, 45, 2:53, 11:45, 8:30 ...

  • Our our Navy PRT calculator to find your score and performance level on the Physical Readiness Test. Updated for the latest 2023 plank scores.

Navy PRT Calculator - Calculate Your Physical Readiness Test Score

15. [PDF] A History of the U.S. Navy Physical Readiness Program From 1976 to ...

  • The Instruction was limited to physical readiness (i.e., physical fitness and body fat standards). The health promotion aspects of the previous program were now ...

16. Physical Readiness Training (PRT) - Navy Dads

  • 5 mrt 2011 · Male - Female Initial Fitness Recommendation Chart. Male Female ... 30-34 Years of Age 30-34 Years of Age Sit-ups 40 Sit-ups 40. Push-ups ...

  •  Initial Fitness Assessment (IFA)     The previous mandatory physical requirements of the Initial Fitness Assessment (IFA) are no longer tested; the responsibi…

Physical Readiness Training (PRT) - Navy Dads

17. [PDF] OPNAVINST 6110.1G 10 October 2002 Enclosure (7) PHYSICAL ...

  • 10 okt 2002 · Standards are based on a sample of PRT results from over ... Females: Age 30-34 years. Performance. Points. Category Level. Curl- ups.

18. Navy PRT Standards - Operation Military Kids

  • 17 jun 2024 · Navy PRT Standards – Female (Ages 30-34). Level of Performance, Points, Forearm Planks, Push-Ups, 1.5 Mile Run, 2-km Row. Maximum, 100, 3:02, 44 ...

  • The U.S. Navy is a demanding branch of the military that requires peak physical condition. In order to determine if new recruits are prepared for service they must pass what is known as the Physical Readiness Test (PRT). Navy PRT standards are baseline numbers for the minimum you should be able to accomplish for each

Navy PRT Standards - Operation Military Kids

19. [PPT] Navy Smart PRT Standards - OPNAV 6110.1J

  • Outstanding Low. EL. 81. 35. 13:30. EL. Excellent Low. GL. 51. 17. 15:30. GL. Good Low. SM. 44. 13. 16:15. SM. Satisfactory Med. P. 40. 11. 16:45. P.

Navy Female Prt Standards 30 34 (2025)


What are the Navy PRT requirements? ›

The PRT has three events: push-ups, forearm plank and a 1.5-mile timed run. The alternate cardio options to the 1.5-mile outdoor run/walk include the following: a timed 500-yard swim, 12-minute stationary cycle, or 1.5-mile run/walk on a treadmill.

What is a good navy prt score? ›

Navy PRT standards scoring
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Jun 7, 2024

How many points to pass navy prt? ›

Navy PRT scoring

The final PRT score is then calculated by averaging the scores earned on each event. The minimum passing requirements are: Recruits: Average score of 60, which is considered Good (Low) Active and reserve sailors: Average score of 50, which is considered Satisfactory (Medium)

What is the safest military branch for females? ›

The Coast Guard has been traditionally viewed as one of the more accessible branches for women, given its primary mission of maritime law enforcement, search and rescue, and maritime stewardship which usually involve fewer combat situations compared to other branches.

What disqualifies you from MEPS? ›

What can disqualify you at MEPS? Any disqualifications that appear during your MEPS physical exam or interview may prevent you from joining the Army. These disqualifications can include illegal drug use, alcohol dependence, not meeting height and weight requirements, having certain contagious diseases, among others.

What are the PRT exercises for the Navy? ›

The Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) is a test of muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance. The PRT consists of a 1.5-mile run, 2 minutes of push-ups, and a forearm plank exercise for maximum time. Learn more about the types of training you can do to help you prepare for the PRT.

What happens if you fail the Navy PRT twice? ›

Sailors Who Fail 2 Consecutive Fitness Tests Will No Longer Face the End of Their Career, Navy Says |

Is satisfactory high passing Navy prt? ›

PRT Scoring. The PRT is broken down to five scoring categories, within the outstanding, excellent, and good categories there are high, medium, and low levels. Satisfactory has high and medium. Probationary is the lowest passing category and has no additional level.

Which military branch has the easiest PT test? ›

The fitness tests for each branch of military differ in various aspects. Keep in mind that "easiest" may vary person-to-person based on individual skills, strengths, and areas of fitness. That being said, based on overall requirements, many individuals believe that the Air Force has the "easiest" physical fitness test.

How many miles do you have to run for the Navy? ›

All boot-camp recruits are measured by performing push-ups, curl-ups (sit-ups) and running 1½ miles. Event consists of running 1.5 miles as quickly as possible. Any combination of running or walking is allowed to complete event. Your score is based on how many curl-ups you can do correctly in two minutes.

What does probationary mean on Navy PRT? ›

(3) Probationary is the minimum achievable score, anything below probationary is a failure. Sailors who score probationary in any PRT event will be enrolled in FEP.

How far do you have to row for Navy PRT? ›

What makes this update interesting is the new introduction of the 2km Row and the Forearm planks. The row was introduced as an alternative to the 1.5 mile run or 500yd/450m swim and is a great alternative for those cold weather commands who do not have access to a pool.

How is the PRT scored? ›

PRT scores will be based on the number of push-ups completed in two minutes, the number of sit-ups completed in two minutes, and the time taken to complete the 1.5 mile run.

What is the plank score for the Navy PRT? ›

As Stated in NAVADMIN 304-20 (below) the new arm plank will replace the legacy situps as a test for core strength and muscular endurance. For Males Age 17-19 the Minimum passing score is 1:22. While females aged 17-19 need to hold the plank for atleast 1:11 in order to receive a passing score.

Do females in the Navy have to cut their hair? ›

These changes follow the Navy's efforts to update grooming standards for the 21st century Sailor. Previous changes to NAVPERS 15665I allowed room for Sailors with varied hair textures to stay within regulations. For women, Sailors are now authorized to wear rolls, locks, and ponytail styles.

What is the maximum weight for female in Navy? ›

Requirements to Join
Height (in.)MALE Max. Standard Weight (lbs.)FEMALE Max. Standard Weight (lbs.)
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What is the MEPS physical exam for females Navy? ›

For Women Only:

Your visit with the physician will be in a private room. Underclothing is required during your physical. A female attendant will accompany you when you must remove your clothing. You will also be given a pregnancy test.

What does the Navy physical exam consist of? ›

The Physical Fitness Assessment consists of a Body Composition Assessment (BCA) and a Physical Readiness Test (PRT), which includes a timed cardio event consisting of 1.5-mile (2.4 km) run/treadmill or a 500 yd (460 m) swim (or an alternate cardio consisting of 12-minutes on a stationary bike), timed curl-ups, and ...


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.